a deep dive into mindful meditation
We’re going to do something special for you. We are prescribing everyone who reads this post one of our favorite meditations and luckily for you, no insurance is required. We are prescribing our readers…
M e d i t a t i o n.
Yep, meditation! Before you stop us in our tracks, take a look at this blurb from a post published by The Boston Globe -
“A review of 47 clinical trials involving more than 3,500 participants with mild anxiety or depression found that those who took mindfulness meditation classes experienced improvement in mood after eight weeks — on par with the effect seen with prescription medications. The study, published Jan. 6 in JAMA Internal Medicine, found that meditation helped alleviate chronic pain in those with back trouble, arthritis, headaches, or other.”
We will say, we are by no means doctors. BUT we do know a thing or two about mediation, and we do know that it is a perfect additive to your life. Think of it as a little sprinkle of sugar on top of a muffin. It doesn’t hurt, it only adds.
In this post, we will share with you our own perspectives on meditation and offer digestible ways to break down what mediation is and “how” to do it (+ we have some meditations for YOU!).
We will also be sharing some of our favorite mediation resources to aid you in your own exploration.
Mediation can truly give your being the space (most important), grounding, and clarity that is so uniquely different than any other “medication” in this world. Medication is important.
But little do many of us know, we already possess so many “medications” within us that can be easily utilized to enhance our daily lives.
You may or may not already meditate. You may or may not have already spent many hours of your life “trying” to mediate, but just not figuring it out. You may be a buddha, a yoga teacher, a meditation expert. This post will apply to all of the above.
Regardless of who you are, if there is one thing you should take away from this article it would be this:
Meditation is simple. It’s not one “thing”, or one “destination”. It’s instead a variety of feelings, emotions, sensations… and quite honestly, it is whatever you want to make it for YOU. What works best for you, what brings you to your place of lightness in your body.
Your body always knows, and you getting to know your body is a huge gateway to reaping the benefits of mediation.
he body knows what it wants to eat, how it wants to move, when it wants to rest. But it is up to us *the humans* to learn how to tune I N to our body, in order to allow it to speak up + fulfill what we need.
Think of the body as a shell - and within that shell, this beautiful energy is held. That is you! The real highest, most authentic and pure you.
And then outside of our shells, is even more energy that is constantly being shifted and created throughout the world. A big purpose of meditating, is to ground yourself back into your own energy, your highest “you” energy, and to come back to your own clear world. Getting rid of the clutter from anything outside of you.
You see, as humans hustling and bustling in our day to days, it’s easy to forget what “our clear” even feels like. It can be scary to dive into this unknown “clear” space - a space without work, phones, people, but it also may be just the “medication” you are needing to feel clear.
And what is “clear” exactly? It’s a space where you are not distracted by the outside world. Where you do not have to go in circles to make decisions, hear opinions, or get caught up in drama of situations happening outside of your control.
It’s a space where you instead feel in total control. You don’t feel “heavy” in your body energetically, your eyes don’t feel tired constantly, your brain doesn’t feel overloaded.
You. feel. at. peace.
So, don’t we all want that? Don’t we all want to find out what that total peace feels like? Yes, we do. But we need to clear up a few things about mediation before diving in:
Mediation will not “fix you”If you put pressure on mediation to fix you - you are controlling the process. Allow it to be instead an experience… something you allow yourself to explore. Almost as if you were playing around with a new laptop for the first time!
Mediation does not have a right or wrongDancing, drawing, singing, taking pictures, humming, these are all forms of mediation. Mediation is truly something that brings you back to the now. To the present - and allows you the s p a c e to let the “stuff” taking up space in your world, take a back seat. You clean up your energetic atmosphere, and have more room in your own field of energy for clarity.
No one can tell you how to mediateOthers may be your “guides” when it comes to mediating, but they can not tell you how to mediate. Every person who mediates has their own experience - their own personal way of how it feels in their own personal body. Two people can be listening to the exact same mediation recording, but they each are most likely “feeling” these mediations differently. In different parts of their bodies, emotions, etc.Only you can figure out what really brings you back to that state of ultimate lightness - because that’s what it is. It’s clearing the heavy, and coming back to the light. The feeling of love in your body (whatever that feels like to you, or however you define that for yourself).
And now that we have some guidelines laid out, let’s medicate. Oops, we mean meditate. Same thing.
Below are a few short audio meditations to help get you into the groove. We are also going to share with you some of our fav mediation apps at the bottom of this post. So enjoy these next few paragraphs of la-la land!
Meditation RESOURCES
#1: Basic Breathing: Ground yourself in one minute
Summary: This meditation will give you a simple breathing technique that can be used at any time of the day to bring back grounding and clarity into your body.
#2: Bringing Lightness In: Letting heavy fall away
Summary: In this meditation, you will scan your body to create the feeling of lightness. You will learn what the feeling of lightness feels like for you, and how to bring it into your days moving forward.
Some of our fav Apps:
Insight Timer- SO many meditations for totally free.
Headspace- Free trial + amazing variety of meditations for sleep, grounding, etc.
Calm - A few free meditations + a free trial. Many mediation courses + short and easy instructional videos/audios.
Meditation Enhancers:
Bright Black Candles™- These beauties come in three different flavors and are infused with nothing but good love, smells, and vibes.
Halo Embolden™ - Massage this onto your neck, shoulders, hands, or feet (or quite honestly, all of the above) to deepen your bodies state of relaxation.
Breathe Well™- This nasal spray works wonders. If you want something natural to clear out your sinuses before getting ready to breathe… or do anything really, this is your weapon.
Stay mediated, stay well.