A Hidden Happiness Hack: Spices

Spices Halo RitualsSpices Halo Rituals

As our favorite British 90’s Pop icons would say “Spice Up Your Life!”

Why are we going to be celebrating spices today? Because spices are wonderful, natural, and have a few hidden superpowers that you may not be thinking of when making that crockpot chicken recipe. 

Here is the thing: Spices are powerful. Spices can do things to your moods.

The fact that spices are able to affect your moods, means that some of these beautiful gifts from our earth are also able to make you happy.

We’ve chosen our top three favorite spices (along with some recipes) that just happen to also be accessible inside of pretty much any kitchen cabinet. In addition, each of these spices is easy to add to basically any and all drinks/foods. 

Who would have thought that these mood boosters are just a few steps away & right inside of your home? You don’t always have to get “fancy” to get happy. Just get... spice-y. 

#1: Turmeric

Turmeric has no doubt been a trending spice lately, *Golden milk lattes anyone?* This beautiful golden spice was bound to hit the spotlight at some point, the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties in turmeric are quite honestly just amazing.

The reason turmeric makes you happy is that a release of serotonin is given off when the turmeric is in your system. Serotonin is, as we all know, the hormone of happiness.

Turmeric is also extremely versatile and can be used in both dishes and drinks. I’m going to give you a smoothie recipe that is to die for - the combo of fruit and Tumeric just works! In addition, the other “glow worthy” ingredients in this smoothie will not leave your body disappointed. 


The Smoothie That Gives You The Glow

  • 1 handful of spinach

  • ½ cup of frozen strawberries 

  • 1.5 frozen bananas

  • 2 dates (if you do not have dates, you can add 1 tsp of honey) 

  • ½ tsp ginger powder

  • ½ tsp turmeric

  • ¼ - ½ cup milk of choice 

Blend all ingredients together until smooth. Want extra energy? Add chopped pecans to the top {another happiness boosting food}. You can also top this smoothie with the fruit of choice for extra “yum”. 

#2: Cinnamon

Cinnamon is no joke. First off, cinnamon is a fun word to say. Secondly, this is a spice that is way too versatile to even comprehend. This earthy creation can be mixed into dishes that are sweet or savory, light or heavy, fried or baked! The possibilities are truly limitless. 

What exactly about cinnamon is going to make you happy? A study published in an issue of Nutritional Neuroscience found that when cinnamon is in your system, benefits include: Reduced inflammation, improved memory, increased attention, and enhanced cognitive processing (oh, the places our brain health will go with cinnamon!).

One other thing that we love about cinnamon is that it is a metabolism booster. We love to add cinnamon to our breakfasts because it provides a “grounding” flavor & we can be happy knowing that our metabolism is being sped up. Two beautiful ways to start a day!


Happy & Nurturing Oats

  • ½ cup old fashioned oats

  • ¾ cup water or milk of choice

  • 1 tsp cinnamon (less if don’t want a strong flavor)

  • Honey 

  • Banana 

  • Optional ( + delicious) : Chia seeds, nut butter, granola

Mix oats + liquid and cook in the microwave for two minutes. Once done, mix in the cinnamon, slice the banana, and add the banana + drizzled honey to the top! The “optional” ingredients are perfect for a more hardy breakfast. 

#3: Smoked Paprika (or Regular Paprika)

Smoked paprika - our favorite hidden gem. When we first discovered this spice, we could not believe that it had been so hidden from us!

If you have never smelled smoked paprika, it basically has the aroma of bacon & goodness. It’s hard to exactly describe it, but the smokey flavor definitely turns regular paprika up a notch.

So, what are the details on this one? 

Smoked paprika has a few key benefits, one of which is its anti-inflammatory properties. Swelling or bloating? Try paprika. This spice is also another “metabolism booster”, and will indeed speed up your metabolism. AKA, make you less hungry.

In addition to the above, many “supplements” are packed into these little sprinkles of goodness. Vitamins B (melatonin producing = happy sleep), B6 (melanin-producing = happy hair), & C (purifies blood = happy heart) are found in smoked paprika.

And lastly, the digestive benefits from these spices are pretty mind-boggling. Paprika increases saliva and stomach acid, which actually helps in breaking down food and making nutrients available for energy. Therefore, a happy stomach (and happy human). 


Smoky Sweet Potato Fries 

  • 2 sweet potatoes - peeled and cut into desired fry shape

  • 3 tbs olive oil

  • ¼ tsp garlic powder

  • ½ tsp salt 

  • ½ tsp pepper

  • 2 tsp smoked paprika 

  • Optional: 1 tsp chili powder for spice

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Meanwhile, toss all ingredients in a bowl and let sit for a few minutes. When ready, spread out marinated potatoes onto a sprayed + tin foil-lined baking sheet. Bake in the oven until tender and brown, this will be for about 18-25 minutes.

Feeling spice-y yet? 

Let’s summarize some key benefits these particular spices will be giving you:

  • Metabolism boosts (curbs your appetite)

  • Healthy digestion

  • Serotonin releases 

  • + a pretty dose of color in your food - your aesthetic needs will be fulfilled ;-)

So next time you are needing a boost of happiness, know that happiness can be found from even the most un-thought of resources. Happiness is always accessible.

Begin to find a new type of appreciation for spices, because these things are natural and they are not going anywhere. They are easily available and leave room for a lot of creativity. Use them to your advantage, and let them give you the benefits they were made to provide.

Happy Spice Day!


Caren DecesarisCaren Decesaris


Caren is a "drop into your body" junkie. She loves all things movement, creativity, and fun. She is the host of SoulSpeak The Podcast & speaks publicly on topics covering spirituality, living authentically, and intuition. Caren is also a 200 hour YTT trained yoga & Pilates instructor with a passion for incorporating intuitive (improv) body movement into her routines.

You can find Caren dancing around, well anywhere, or eating (& cooking) fab food when she is not doing the above. Hang with Caren here.


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