Make Waves

Navigating the complexities of life and business through the lens of curiosity.
Bringing together experts to deliver responsibly curated conversations
and perspectives that aim to progress people and the planet. 

CBD in Skincare | Science shows it’s more than just hype.

CBD in Skincare | Science shows it’s more than just hype.

If the reason that CBD treatment remains to be perceived as ‘alternative’ lies in the youth of its research, then we’ll take it – after all, this implies that countless new discoveries almost certainly await the future of these products. Plus, let’s get real: however residually stigmatized, CBD continues to trailblaze new ways that we can utilize its diverse healing properties. Learn more about what we’ve uncovered about the “People’s Plant” and its healing properties for our skin.

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The Flavors of Ayurvedic Medicine | A Guide To Better Health
Travel, Wellness Travel, Wellness

The Flavors of Ayurvedic Medicine | A Guide To Better Health

Have you ever eaten your way to the bottom of a bag of salt and vinegar potato chips only to find yourself feeling unsatisfied? Welcome to the American diet. In our country, we attempt to use food, especially sweet and salty food, for comfort, yet find true satisfaction lacking. Learn more about adapting an Ayurvedic lifestyle and the true benefits you may find from doing so.

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Let’s Face It, It’s Your Fabric | Fabrics For Healthier Skin and Hair

Let’s Face It, It’s Your Fabric | Fabrics For Healthier Skin and Hair

Ever notice how some fabrics like silk feel good against your skin but others like wool can feel dry and itchy? Well there’s actually a science to how fibers affect our skin. From your clothing and sheets to your pillow cases and detergents, paying attention to the fabrics that your skin loves versus needs to avoid is an important but often overlooked part of a healthy skin care regime.

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Gender Marketing Differences Within Beauty and Skin Care
Business, Skincare Business, Skincare

Gender Marketing Differences Within Beauty and Skin Care

Sometimes differences in marketing across different segments can be a good thing as people have varying needs. But like the beauty and fashion industries, advertising is heavily one sided. Women are the recipients of the majority of skincare marketing through magazines, TV ads and social media campaigns. However, much of the marketing geared toward women play to the beauty standards women are often subjected to. Learn more about these differences and how we aim to change the industry for skincare.

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The Dangers Of Telemedicine and Digital Wellness
Business, Wellness Business, Wellness

The Dangers Of Telemedicine and Digital Wellness

As healthcare and insurance (or lack thereof) is a major factor in prescription drugs and treatments, as is the need to provide for patients. As today’s digital approach to prescription drug services and products reaches new heights, is the messaging tone depth to the severity of these conditions and an individuals mentality? For all its merits (of which there are many! Yay for accessible, affordable birth control!) telemedicine is not without its risks. Explore more from our friends at

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Travel Inspired | Unleashing New Creative Energy
Travel, Wellness Travel, Wellness

Travel Inspired | Unleashing New Creative Energy

Neuroscientists and psychologists have begun to examine how spending time abroad may have the potential to affect mental change related to how the brain is wired and influenced by environment and habit. It is the one thing that can help us uncover new eras in personal artistic development and provide us with a more accurate and open-minded view of the world.

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