Beauty In The Chaos: Life Lessons Amidst Uncertainty
Oh, sweet sweet chaos. Yes, we are definitely in a time of chaos. But beauty? Yes, in a way, we could also call this beauty. Perhaps not picture-perfect beauty, but definitely a type of beauty.
How? Let’s explain:
While this time is not all rainbows and butterflies for everyone, this change of pace in the world truly is a gift in helping us all to discover limitless amounts of new perspectives and unique opportunities. We don’t want to urge you to hide your fear or anger, nor do we want you to cover it up with glitter.
What we do want to do, is help to be a voice of the light. Yes, please continue to feel and fully own your fear. But also, remember that where there is dark there is always an opportunity for light. And remember that you always have full permission to invite some of that light into your life.
Though this is a different period and uncomfortable period...
It’s in the uncomfortable periods of our lives that we stretch, we grow, and we can allow ourselves the opportunities to find the beauty that is already sitting right in front of us.
Let’s reveal some of that beauty:
1. It’s been easier to see how equal we all truly are
This one has been really amazing to observe. Right in front of us, everyone on this planet has been staying in. Doing their parts to #flatttenthecurve.
It’s as though we are seeing society leveling out in front of us.
No one is “higher or lower” than anyone, no one is better or worse. The CEO of your company is just as human as you are and needing to stay home with his children. The people you watch on social media living “more fulfilling” lives than you are stuck inside. No one can go anywhere and we are all equally bound to our homes.
There is no pressure to be somewhere or do anything because no one is setting the standards of being anywhere or doing anything. There are no cute Instagram posts of couples traveling to Italy, stories of the Kardashians shopping, and etc.
We just don’t have as much to live up to, and that alone may be what takes away the “special” we sometimes give to others. No one is more special than you, we are on equal playing fields. What one person is doing does not mean anything about who you are, and vise versa. We are all on one field and the current state of the world is helping us realize that. We are all just, human!
Lesson: We are all one, we are all the same. You are just as deserving as others, and you must shift the way you see others in order to see that for yourself.
2. We are seeing that life actually can be taken day by day, and it won’t hurt us
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment” - Buddha
We are being handed an extremely unique situation. No, you can not go to the movies next week with your spouse. No, you can not go to that concert with your friends. And no, you can not go to a happy hour before that concert with your friends (sorry).
Rather than dreading the fact that you can’t make plans, appreciate the fact that there are no obligations to make plans. What a blessing it is to not have one more thing to worry about, to be able to complete what you want to complete and have space to do so. To have room to pay attention to those you may not have had room to pay attention to beforehand, even if one of those people is you.
Allow this time to be a gift, allow this time to give you whatever it can give you. There is no changing the situation, so why not embrace the circumstances and see them as opportunities. What does your version of “day by day” look like?
Lesson: Everything is figureout-able. As we lean into the “now”, we have less need to know what lies ahead. We have more opportunity to appreciate what is in front of us right now.
3. We are being forced to access our child-like characteristics more frequently
This point makes us happy. As we touched on in our first point, the world is currently stripped of all outside activities. Bars, restaurants, bowling alleys, these forms of external entertainment are no longer available to us.
Instead, we are being forced to be resourceful.
If you’re like us, you’ve seen more people outside in our community than ever before. Families taking walks together. Dads having more time with the kids. We have seen serious people become less serious at work. We’ve seen more laughter, more vulnerability, more play.
Why do we wonder? Well, our theory is this: More time to just “be” = more relaxed behavior.
Without the external, we are forced to get a little more internal. We are forced to say to ourselves “Okay, I no longer have this, so what will make me happy now?”
We are opening our eyes to true simplicity. We are working from the inside, rather than letting the “outside” (society, gatherings, people, etc.) work us. All of this is sub-consciously giving us permission to let our guards down, whip our hair back, and go roll around in some dirt.
Lesson: Simplicity brings out authenticity. Try not to let external resources take over who you are and how you truly want to feel.
4. Have a little faith
We’ll keep this one short. This situation we are in is 100% sprinkling water on our faith and helping it to grow - it is showing us that we do not always have control. This non-control is a gift, and it’s allowing us to walk in the unknown.
We have an opportunity to lean into trust, to exercise our trust. We have an opportunity to see how things happen for us and not to us. But most importantly, we have an opportunity to rely on not only ourselves.
None of us know how we will come out of this. Maybe you were let go from your job - well, were you praying to find a new job? Here is your chance. Perhaps you will land something even BETTER than you would have landed while looking while working your old job.
A quote we found, and love (by anonymous) :
“I asked for my flowers to grow, so God made it rain”. When there is rain, there is movement. Be patient, adjust your perspective, and you will make it through on the up-side. Have patience.”
Sometimes it is okay to put faith into something outside of yourself. Trust good is always coming your way, and it will. Not to say there won’t be bumps, but you will see those bumps in a new light.
Lesson: Allow yourself to take your hands off the wheel and trust there is a bigger plan.
Hopefully something within this post resonated, and you can move forward with something to carry you through this time period in a positive way. Perhaps even move out of this time period having gained something really great.
The silver lining has been in the way our WORLD has really come together to form a community.
Be grateful for your community, be grateful for your time with you. In every experience, there is something beautiful to be gained. Let yourself open your eyes to that and embrace where you are planted. We are all in this together.
Love and blessings to all. Be safe, stay healthy, and stay open.
Caren is a "drop into your body" junkie. She loves all things movement, creativity, and fun. She is the host of SoulSpeak The Podcast & speaks publicly on topics covering spirituality, living authentically, and intuition. Caren is also a 200 hour YTT trained yoga & Pilates instructor with a passion for incorporating intuitive (improv) body movement into her routines.
You can find Caren dancing around, well anywhere, or eating (& cooking) fab food when she is not doing the above. Hang with Caren here.