No Shade | Diversity Within SKINCARE


While steps have been made over the years to improve diversity and representation within the skincare industry, the very definition of beauty has remained narrow and at times, discriminatory. Race is a broad category. Many times it is even considered a social construct. That no race exists, rather we are all the human race and there are just simply differences in skin pigmentation or structural features determined by differences in environment and genetics. To sum things up - there is still a need to feed the demand for product innovation for ethnic skin and skin types.

A myriad of skin care products are available to choose from for skin types ranging from oily, combination, to dry. No one needs to feel left out because they can be rest assured that their skin type is covered. Other than the obvious tonal difference between shades, their differences in skin tones that make it necessary to shop for race specific skin care products.

In this article we will focus on pigmentation and differences in melanin among ethnic groups which can determine differences in skin care needs.

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If you are an African American or have darker skin

  • Risk to skin cancer and sun damage is less prevalent for darker skin types but when discovered may be at an advanced stage¹

  • Least reactive to irritation.

  • Aging and wrinkling are less harsh due to better protection from sun UV rays.¹

  • Dark skin protects against skin cancer and premature wrinkling but inflammation can create dark marks on the skin²

  • Acne can cause pigmentation issues in darker skin¹

  • Avoid harsh cleansers and exfoliators and use gentler products²

If you are Asian or have olive skin

  • Prone to inflammation and scarring¹

  • Hyperpigmentation and age spots may be more noticeable and have been a concern for people of Asian descent²

  • Your skin is more sensitive than other types so soap-free cleansers are recommended²

If you are caucasian or have fairer skin

  • Age spots are more visible than on darker skin types¹

  • Rosacea or chronic redness, is common amongst fair skinned women of Northern European and Celtic ancestry.¹

  • Acne is common in white skin

  • On paler skins aging appears as fine lines and wrinkles.

  • More affected by UV exposure

  • More susceptible to early sun damage and dry skin, rich moisturizers are essential²

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To sum it all up. Yes. Our genetic makeup within our ethnicity contributes to the need for different skin products. The same way people will have different makeup needs for their skin tones (foundation, powders) your tone and how it reacts differently to the sun, disorders, etc. should be considered when choosing your skin care. The amount of melanin in your skin could determine which skin conditions could affect you most and therefore the products you would use to fix them.

Keep in mind, skin conditions are also attributed to where you live, whether hot or cold climate, your gender, as well as your ethnic background. Don’t let race be a blanket statement to determine what your skin needs. Even people within the same ethnicity or even the same family could have different skin care needs so get what’s best for you. It’s important to know how your race could affect your sensitivity to certain skin conditions but your own individual skin type is what should determine your personal skin care routine and products you buy.

Halo Rituals is a gender neutral, high end skincare and lifestyle brand that caters to the needs of any consumer with the need for natural and luxury based products. Our products and services are designed for any gender and ethnicity seeking to feel and perform their best in everyday life.

Click the link to sign up for new product updates or drop us a line to learn what products would work best for your skin.



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