The BEST Natural Oils to Feed Your Skin


Facial oil is increasing in popularity for the average consumer but there is still a lot of confusion surrounding them. Do you use them instead of moisturizer? What’s the difference between rosehip and argan? What does comedogenic mean?
Luckily, this article will help you navigate the world of natural oils. We will look at what oils you should be using in your skincare routine dependent on your skin type and how to implement them into your daily routine.

So what’s the deal with oils?
Our body naturally produces oil and it is required for moisturized, healthy skin. Oil production naturally decreases with age or if you live in a cold, dry environment. This causes skin to become dry which can lead to breakouts, lines and wrinkles.
Using a facial oil helps to lock moisture in the skin and to add extra nourishment and protects it from the external environment. This is particularly important for those with dry skin but just as beneficial for all skin types.

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I know what you’re thinking, it seems counterproductive to put oil on already naturally oily skin. But this is one of the most common mistakes when it comes to facial oils. Using oil essentially tricks your skin into thinking it already has enough oil producing naturally, so your skin adjusts its natural oil production and you actually begin to produce less oil.
Try jojoba, tea tree, squalane, argan, rosehip and marula oils if you have oily skin. These natural oils are light so don’t make the skin feel greasy and are low comedogenic, meaning they don’t block pores leading to breakouts. Grape seed oil is a natural astringent, meaning it is slightly more drying than the other oils mentioned, so has a slightly mattifying effect on the skin, which is a good option for those with severely oily skin. 

*Start with a small amount (a couple of drops) and see how your skin reacts, it may take a while for your natural oil production to decrease to see the full effect of the oil.

If you have dry skin and aren’t using a facial oil you need to step up your game! As your skin type is lacking natural oil production, you have more freedom to try slightly denser oils like coconut oil. But be careful because coconut oil is more comedogenic than other oils so can lead to breakouts if your skin doesn’t respond when to it - try a small amount first and see how you react.
Marula oil is rich in omega fatty acids to decreases the inflammatory response in the skin that causes redness and irritated skin. This is a lighter, non comedogenic oil so is suitable for all skin types but particularly for dry skin that is typically more inflamed. Individuals with dry skin can afford to use more oil to replenish skin hydration so go crazy! (Not literally!)

If you don’t really breakout, you’re not too dry or too oily then congratulations you have combination or ‘normal’ skin. You can play around with different oils as they are unlikely to have a negative effect on your skin but here are some favorites - argan oil is rich in vitamin E and very naturally soothing for the skin. It is fast drying meaning you don’t have to wait a while for it to sink in as you do with other oils like coconut. Argan oil contains antioxidants that prevent skin damage, dark spots and lines.

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How should you implement oils in your skincare routine?

Once you have chosen the right natural oil for you based on your skin type, you need to start implementing it into your daily skincare routine. Apply facial oil after your moisturizer to seal in the hydrating ingredients and to act as a protective barrier to prevent dry air from pulling moisture out of the skin and pollutants from getting pushed into open pores. Facial oil makes it possible for your skin to maximize the benefits of the moisturizer as well as acting as a great makeup base.

Natural oils provide a thin sleeve over the face and when makeup is applied to it, it goes on effortlessly and smoothly. This is a great benefit if you have naturally dry skin or lots of breakouts, because it creates a seamless base for makeup rather than it clumping or streaking amongst the dry or acne areas.

If you have particularly oily skin, you may only want to apply facial oil as part of your nighttime skincare routine, but if you choose the right natural, non comedogenic oil for your skin you shouldn’t have any problems with excess oil. 

Facial oils need to become part of your skincare routine regardless of your skin type or age! Not only do oils protect your skin from pollutants and the external environment, they also improve natural oil production, decrease sebum and thus less acne breakouts. They make skin look younger, fuller, smoother - you won’t regret trying them!


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